School Counselors

Resources for
School Counselors

Important Information & Resources


Admission Requirements by Student Type

What is needed from each type of student to qualify for admission to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

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Nebraska High School Core Courses

A list that shows how the coursework at each Nebraska high school will apply to the university’s core course requirements.

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Residency Requirements

How to know which students qualify as Nebraska residents for tuition purposes.

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English Proficiency Requirements

All non-native English speakers are required to demonstrate English proficiency for full admission.

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Remove Admission Deficiencies

There are many ways for students who do not yet meet admission requirements to take care of those deficiencies.

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Application Assistance


Help your students self-report their transcripts.

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Application & Self-Reporting Assistance

What Your Students Need to Apply

When your student is ready to apply, you can help by knowing the information we ask for on the application.

How long does it take to complete the application?

The entire application takes about 45 minutes. Your students should plan to have their transcripts in front of them while completing the application.

The application is savable. Your students will setup a username and password so they can save their work, and log back in as needed. Once they submit the application however, they will not be able to make changes.

Should students send in a transcript just in case?

No. transcripts are NOT needed for an admission decision (unless requested).

Please do not send high school transcripts until graduation. If a transcript is needed for clarification on application submissions, your students will be contacted by the Office of Admissions.

When do my students need to send in high school transcripts?

Transcripts must be received no later than July 1, 2024.

Students can request official copies of high school transcripts after graduation to be sent to:

Office of Admissions
1410 Q Street
Lincoln, NE 68588-0417

I have a student who went to multiple high schools. Should they list and enter coursework for all of them?

We want your students' academic records to be as accurate as possible. Students have an opportunity to select all schools attended and the dates from which they attended. Because schools may have different grading scales, they should list all schools attended during their high school career and list the courses and grades received at that institution.

If your student's graduating high school makes note of all coursework completed, even those completed at another institution, they will only need to send in one final high school transcript after graduation.

What about dual enrollment credit?

Your students will enter dual enrollment credit as both high school and college course entries.

  • On the high school academic record, students will be able to select the academic level that matches their course. They should select "dual enrollment" as the academic level on the high school record.
  • Students will enter in the coursework again on the college entry screen as well to ensure they receive appropriate credit here at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

My student took AP/IB/Honors coursework, is that important?

On self-reported transcript, students can select the academic level at which the course was completed. They should be sure to select AP/IB/Honors for these courses.

If students have more advanced coursework, they should mark the level that most appropriately matches the course. If you have additional questions, be sure to let your recruitment specialist know.

My student made a mistake on their self-reported transcript. What do they do?

If a student made a mistake on their self-reported transcript, they should give us a call at 402-472-2023, or send us an email at

My student is applying to the University Honors Program, CBA Honors Academy or the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science & Management. Do they have to submit a transcript for that application process?

Students do NOT need to submit a transcript for honors program applications. The review committee will use the academic information reported on the application.

What if my student's course isn’t showing?

If your student can’t find their course, write the name in the Course Title box.

Taking English 1 but only see English 9? Don’t worry, those courses will count the same.

My student is not sure of their complete senior year schedule. What should they do?

They should put as much work in-progress as possible for their senior year.

If courses change, or if they add a course after the first semester, they should email their admission counselor at with the updated information.

Honors Application

The honors application has specific requirements students have to meet before they are accepted into one of the programs.

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Supplemental Scholarship Application

The supplemental Scholarship Application is the key to maximizing consideration for departmental scholarships as well as leadership and service scholarships.

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Academics & Courses

Undergraduate Catalog

A full list of courses available at Nebraska with descriptions.

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Education Abroad Visa and Passport Information

What your students need to know about attaining the necessary travel documents to study abroad.

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Achievement-Centered Education (ACE)

The ACE program is a general education program designed to help students of every major develop skills, build knowledge, exercise social responsibility, and integrate and apply those capabilities.

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Students with Special Circumstances

Cost & Aid


Everything you need to know about the cost of attending the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

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Husker Hub

Husker Hub is Nebraska’s “one stop” for questions on how to help your students get financial assistance, file the FAFSA, find work-study jobs and more. Contact a Husker Hub full-time Student Services Specialist remotely Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. CST through the Virtual Queue.

Meet With a Husker Hub Specialist


To be considered for federal financial aid, students must file FAFSA by June 1. The university’s FAFSA code is 002565.

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There are many scholarships available for all types of incoming students including many focused on leadership. Each has its own set of requirements and deadlines.

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The Nebraska Promise

If one of your students is a Nebraska resident who has a family income of $65,000 or less (Adjusted Gross Income) or is Pell Grant-eligible they may qualify to attend Nebraska tuition-free through the Nebraska Promise.

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Military Education Benefits

There are many benefits available for military-connected students at Nebraska, including the Husker Salute Pledge, which waives the undergraduate nonresident portion of tuition, providing out-of-state students the same net tuition as Nebraska residents.

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ACT/SAT Score Policy

Scores are only accepted directly from the testing agency to the university by electronic transmission or priority mail. Request official test scores from the testing agency to be sent directly to:

Office of Admissions
1410 Q St.
Lincoln, NE 68588

Change of Campus Form

If the student would like to change their University of Nebraska degree campus.

Change of Campus Form

Inter-Campus Form

If the student would like to take classes on a University of Nebraska campus other than their degree-granting campus.

Inter-Campus Form

Submit Curriculum Updates

Accurate curricula help us keep our high school core courses list up to date. It will help your students determine how the classes they’ve taken in high school apply to their application.

Submit Curriculum Updates

Placement Exams

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln uses some basic placement exams to determine which courses are required for a student’s success.


All new students will need to take the Math Placement Exam before their scheduled New Student Enrollment orientation date.

*for students already enrolled at the university*

Modern Language

The Modern Language Placement Exam is used to determine what level of foreign language classes students studying in certain majors should enter. Only students in specific majors need to take this exam. These majors include:

  • All College of Arts & Sciences majors
  • All College of Journalism & Mass Communications majors
  • The Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Music degrees in the Hixson Lied College of Fine & Performing Arts
  • The International Business major in the College of Business Administration

Nebraska Now

Help your students get a head start with the Nebraska Now program, where they can earn college credit from real college classes taught by University of Nebraska–Lincoln professors.

Full Details on Nebraska Now

Submit a Class to the Course Equivalency List

Have a course your institution offers evaluated for direct transfer to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

How to Submit

Course Evaluation

To have a course your institution offers evaluated for direct transfer to Nebraska, please provide the following information:

  • Course prefix and number
  • Course description including:
    • Semester/quarter hours
    • Prerequisites
    • Syllabus
    • Required Texts
  • If the course has a lab, please indicate:
    • Whether the lab is included in the semester hours or a separate number.
    • The number of hours spent and topics covered in the lab.

Send all information to:

Nicolette Brenton
Academic Transfer Coordinator
221 Seaton Hall

Articulation Process
  1. The academic transfer coordinator obtains course information and forwards it to a faculty member for evaluation.
  2. The faculty member forwards the evaluation to the college representative.
  3. After approval, updates are made to the Degree Audit Reporting System.
  4. Updates are posted to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Transfer Course Equivalency and the Transfer Course Guides for Nebraska Community Colleges.

Still have questions?

We're always here to help. If you need additional assistance, feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at 402-472-2023 or email us at